
…this blog and myself:

this is not just another travel blog. actually this is a quite personal blog. including travel, too, yes.
even though I am going to travel it’s not the expected “I’m going to the jungle to downshift from the city’s hectics”-trip. because I do like the big cities’ vibrant life. nature on the other hand not too much. cockroaches and I are not best friends. it is a different kind of trip than that of travel-bloggers also because: instead of leaving to “finding myself” or just enjoying traveling around, I want to find out different things. because again: “finding myself” is probably going to happen anyway on this journey, just by being out of my comfort zone.

my personal goal of this trip is to relax and enjoy, as well as to check if my interests are going to match with yet undiscovered talent.

the journey starts in Sao Paulo in Brazil where I was born. when we left I was 5 years old. I sometimes wonder if I lost a bit of my identity, going away, to Germany, a new country to me, with a new language. just as I lost all my memory of my brazilian childhood there, as well as the ability to speak the language.
taking a year off gives me the opportunity to learn the language in Brazil again and to get to know the country and the people. maybe I will even discover something about my identity?

and even more. film and music are my steady passions. after 4 months in Brazil I will be in Los Angeles attending a 2-months-workshop in filmmaking. (if everything works out fine with the Visa). this will give me the answer to my question whether I have the talent and the patience to be a film- (and/or advertising-)director or not.

the stop after California is hopefully one in a beautiful country in Central America and the Caribbean. a place where I can relax and reflect on the things I have encountered until then.

I will be confronted with the following challenges in this trip:
the personal one as mentioned above, the “traveling alone” one, as well as budget and time!

I am very excited to see, smell and feel new things and get to know new people. I’m also excited to find out if my expectations about myself are going to be fulfilled or if they are going to turn out differently. maybe I do end up loving nature?! hahaha! maybe I find new talents of mine and get a totally different idea for my future??
or maybe everything is just fine as it is because it is supposed to be like that?
at least I am going to have some time off to embrace new experiences and grow with them. above all, I can use the time to get creative.
because being creative in a routine life is not always that easy. sometimes it kills creativity.
and yet, the power of “time off” is underestimated. the following video shows that taking a time off nowadays is in fact doable. It also shows how beneficient it can be for ourselves, work and our community (the world).



in May 2015 my trip is over. I have to be back in Germany by then and restart work.
so, I better savour everything life will be giving me during this one year of sabbatical!
on the blog page (“not a tourist”) you can check out how I’m doing this 🙂
please feel free to comment, like and share the stories. interaction is big fun for me, so please accompany me during my journey! thank you!

beijos! (“kisses” in portuguese)


5 responses to “About

  1. Hey 🙂 Dein Blog ist toll: Sowohl die Inhalte als auch das farbenfrohe Design. Ich selbst war auch mal in Brasilien, jedoch nur für zwei Wochen. Auf meinem Blog stelle ich von Zeit zu Zeit andere Blogs, die ich interessant finde bzw. wo ich die Menschen, die hinter den Blogs stehen interessant finde, vor. Ich bin nun auf dich gestoßen, erstens weil du während der WM in Brasilien bist und zweitens finde ich es auch interessant, dass du in Brasilien geboren bist. Und drittens finde ich die Sache mit dem Filmworksop in L.A. ebenfalls spannend, vor allem da ich selbst auch gerne Videos und kürzere Filme in meiner Freizeit drehe und schneide. Hättest du vielleicht Lust einen kleinen Fragebogen, den ich dir per Mail schicken würde, auszufüllen? Den würde ich dann auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen und deinen Blog verlinken.
    Liebe Grüße, Anne

  2. Super Chrissi – ich wünsch dir viel Spaß und ein tolles Jahr! Bin auch gerade dran einem Blog aufsetzen und find toll dass du einen gestartet hast 🙂

  3. Pingback: Mein Liebster Award – 11 Fragen, 11 Antworten | Milchlächeln To Go·

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